Few things in industry are as complex as controlling large plants with many components. In most cases, each plant component even comes with its own control system. The plant programmer has to be familiar with every control system and has to pore over documentation for every interface. With each additional machine and control type, the complexity of the control protocols and interfaces that have to be compatible with each other grows exponentially. Programming effort, error sources, failure probability and stress for the programmer grow with it.
The solution: DE-CON /U from DEMIC! With the DE-CON /U you can equip your entire plant with only one control type!
Thus, all controls have a uniform interface, which significantly reduces the programming effort. In addition, you no longer need to keep spare parts for many different types of control, but only for the DE-CON /U. Investment and stock-keeping are significantly reduced. The DE-CON /U can be operated, programmed and parameterized via a robust web interface from any PC in the network. This can even eliminate the need for separate operator panels - making the infrastructure even simpler! The DE-CON /U can also be connected to the cloud and is thus prepared for Industry 4.0!
Customized performance
The fully Ethernet-based control systems include all processes as standard. The individual program modules are stored in a software library and the various operating modes and parameters can be parameterized quickly and easily using the integrated web server. The web interface can be accessed via a notebook, smartphone, tablet or even from the customer's PLC system. A separate operating device for the feeder is therefore no longer necessary
In addition to user-guided commissioning and configuration of the controllers via web browser, they support a variety of Ethernet protocols with which all process-relevant data can be exchanged between the conveyor and the control system.
In parallel, all diagnostic data and the information of the internal error memory are made available in an OPC UA server for the purpose of preventive maintenance or further evaluation in an MES.
Individual Development
With our many years of experience in customer-specific product and hardware development, we realize robust control systems for industrial automation technology. From conception to circuit development and prototype production to series production, we provide you with the complete development cycle from a single source. Of course, we also develop the firmware and software required for operation.
Would you like to learn more about our products?
We look forward to advising you:
PHONE: +49 2247 918 90
E-MAIL: kontakt(at)demic-datentechnik.de
Your contact
Björn Demmer
Shareholder - General manager
PHONE: +49 2247 918 90
E-MAIL: bdemmer(at)demic-datentechnik.de
Heinz Demmer
Shareholder - General manager
PHONE: +49 2247 918 90
E-MAIL: hdemmer(at)demic-datentechnik.de